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The Corps of Marines titled the Royal Marines by King George III

Unit/ Formation: Royal Marines

Location: Great Britain

Period/ Conflict: 1800's

Year: 1802

Date/s: 29th April 1802

In 1802, largely at the instigation of Admiral John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent, they were titled the Royal Marines by King George III.

His Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify his commands that, in consideration of the very meritorious services of the Marines during the late war, the Corps shall in future be styled the Royal Marines.

The order signifying the creation of the Royal Marines was immediately sent to all Divisions:

The Earl St. Vincent having signified to my Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, that his Majesty, in order to mark his Royal approbation of the very meritorious conduct of the Corps of Marines during the late war, has been, graciously pleased to direct that the Corps shall in future be styled the Royal Marines.

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